Wonderful book!!! A compelling story of how a few country boys bonded together to form one of the most victorious weightlifting teams in history. Weightlifting is a sport pitting man against iron – a test of individual strength and accomplishment; however, these men put aside their individualism and worked together solely for the goals of the team. A team without university support or coaching, these lifters sacrificed daily for the team. It is also a compelling story of the lifelong bonds that developed among team members and the prejudices that they faced individually and together. Mr. Perrin has written a wonderful history that draws the reader to each page.
R. Martin Guidry
After I started reading your book, I could not put it down. It brought back so many good memories. I enjoyed reading the wonderful stories that you wrote about several of my old friends at UL and the screening of the weightlifting documentary Ragin’ 13. I would recommend the book to everyone. Thanks for documenting this part of UL sports history.
Louis Marist
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