The University Of Louisiana's National Championship Weightlifting Teams

The University Of Louisiana's National Championship Weightlifting Teams

A Companion Book to the Documentary The Ragin' 13

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The University Of Louisiana's National Championship Weightlifting Teams

The University Of Louisiana's National Championship Weightlifting Teams

A Companion Book to the Documentary The Ragin' 13

Jess Shows

Inducted into the Weightlifting Hall of Fame: January 25, 2023

Born in New Roads, La., as the grandson of a blacksmith and farmer, Jess Shows learned about hard work and the joy of accomplishments early on. In high school, several friends, including “Poss” Major, George Weatherford and he used a shed behind Poss’s house as a place to work out. This was his first memory of workout sessions—it was for football—yet these physical efforts helped to cement a bond of school sports and tough physical endeavors that lasted throughout college and beyond. Those workout sessions helped set the stage for their success at USL.

The weightlifting team developed at the college level even though no member had any traditional financial support. Tellingly, it was the friendships that they had that bounded them to unparalleled success. Personally, he had to work to afford school. He was fortunate enough to have several good jobs, so when a meet was scheduled, they would often use his car to attend. Occasionally, Whitey Urban, the athletic director at USL, would help out with a few rolls of quarters from petty cash—later with a credit card.

Happily, he won several championships. Jess was a member of the 1965 National Collegiate Championship Weightlifting Team. After USL, he traveled around the world working on numerous engineering jobs. Shows worked in commercial marine fabrication. During his last ten years he worked for an engineering company in Houston specializing in sub-sea construction and maintenance. He is married to Susan and they are the proud parents of a son, Jess Shows III, who is also an engineer, and Gavin Shows a 17-year-old grandson. He is now retired and enjoy raising Kiko goats and giant Schnauzer dogs on their farm in Glynn, Louisiana. ‘

He lives in Glyn, Louisiana with his wife Susan.